Constipation, abdominal pain, digestive problems, obesity, bad breath, body odor, Blood bertoksin, rough skin
USUS THE GROSS will result in:
Health problems is simple:
Lethargy, headache, pain throughout the body, lack of appetite, insomnia, weak immune system and influenza.
Chronic Health Problems:
Constipation, skin problems, digestive problems, weak body, hormones are not balanced, anemia, obesity.
Serious Health Problems:
High blood pressure, heart disease, scabies abdomen, mental illness, diabetes, liver problems, kidney disease and tumors.
Cleaning Toxins in the Colon:
According to the concept of health, 90% than that experienced disease is originated from the gut.
Toxins that gather in the intestine will be attached to the intestinal wall resulting in disrupted nutrient absorption. At the same time will contaminate the blood and cause disease, such as gout, tumors, gout, anemia, arthritis (joint pain), kidney problems and so forth.
Toxins in the body is the source of all diseases. (Dr. Henry Bieter)
If the toxins in our bodies does not exclude foods will interfere with the absorption of substances, interfering with increased physical health and mind. (Dr. Bernard Jensen)
Food scraps collected in the intestine after the decay will become dangerous in our body and cause disease, and to hasten the aging process.
Health Concept A-B-C-D:
K-Link comes with the concept of Health CBAD Cleansing (cleaning), balancing (balancing), activating (activation), Defending (defense) where the concept of Health is supported by a variety of k-linked products which contain natural ingredients, innovative and high quality in keeping overall health of the body without causing side effects.
Cleansing (Cleaning):
Basically, human life today is no longer possible to be protected from various kinds of toxins that can enter the body because it's condition and lifestyle has changed a lot. The toxin itself can be derived from the polluted air because of the factory - the factory as well as the increasing number of vehicles in circulation that resulted in air pollution that we unknowingly contaminated air is always we breathe every day little by little, gradually leading to accumulation of toxic comes from the air inside our bodies.
Apart from the air the other factors that could cause the entry of toxins into our bodies is the synthesis of compounds containing beverages such as liquor berakohol, preservatives, dyes, sugar, seeds / aspartame and carbon dioxide gases that can damage the stomach also drinking water metal element such as Fe, Al , Mn, Hg, chlorine that can damage the kidneys. Another factor is the food like fast food (fast food) processed with synthetic chemicals for colorants, flavoring, preservatives, flavor and also the results of the processing of agricultural and plantation use of toxic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers that can cause imbalance of hormones , kidney damage, jaundice and originator carsinogen substance as a trigger cancer.
With concept of K-Link Cleansing is a poison that has accumulated in the body for many years can be cleaned.
Balancing (balancing):
With this concept of K-Link products through a balanced supply of nutrients into our bodies. Balanced nutrients needed by the body's cells to activity such as vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed by our bodies to smooth, balancing the hormonal system as well as acid-base balance in the body.
Activating (activation):
In this concept with K-Link products are innovative, our body cells activated to optimize the absorption of nutrients in the body by increasing influx of nutrients into our cells and blood cells that help regenerate red blood cells and increases oxygen levels in the blood, inhibit the oxidation process and stimulates cell regeneration and organ of the body to work optimally in enhancing the immune system against disease.
Defending (Defense):
Enhance the immune system by stimulating the cell body to form antibodies in helping to keep the body from dangerous free radicals and disease, this concept will play in sustaining and maintaining health.
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