The goal of treatment should be to provide treatment without causing any side effects or with minimal side effects. In practice, there are many factors which make the treatment is not rational, such as:
- Lack of knowledge of health workers in the science of medicine.
- Doctors used to prescribe the type or brand of a particular drug.
- Request the patient to be given an expensive branded drugs with the assumption of guaranteed recovery.
- The connection of power and health facilities with sponsorship from the pharmaceutical industry.
- There is a recipe handed down from the actual doctor's predecessor was not appropriate.
- Too many patients or too busy so no time for doctors to diagnose diseases of individuals in depth.
- Provision of medicines in health facilities is limited by reason of the savings fund.
Giving medicine a less rational or not in accordance with the standard treatment can be said to violate the law. Because it may cause drug interactions effects in the body that can harm or endanger health. Drug as one important element in health services should be selected appropriately from the time of diagnosis, treatment and when the recovery period. Drug trafficking is different from other commodities, because there is no imbalance of information between producers and consumers of health workers. Important information such as quality, safety, efficacy, side effects, and accuracy for any specific use of the drug will never be understood by ordinary consumers.
Signs of ineffective health care system that resulted in the irrational use of drugs, among others:
- Low community participation in health insurance.
- Promotion of drug very aggressively against doctors and the public.
- No occurrence of drug information services by the pharmacist in a pharmacy or hospital.
- Lack of public knowledge about the correct use of drugs.
The role of pharmacists in the process of rational treatment is needed both for the patients who went to the doctor or take medication independently. Pharmacists are obliged to assist patients in establishing, implementing and monitoring the use of drugs when patients buy drugs at pharmacies or being treated in hospital. If the pharmacist does not apply to negligence or the pharmacist pharmacy services have contributed to the rampant phenomenon of irrational treatment.
Paradigm Medical Consultation
Currently, the understanding of medical consultations or visits to the doctor's shift to requests or provision of drug treatment. There are even some ordinary consumers are given an injection of demand that each went to the doctor, in the hope that his illness will be cured instantly. Yet a visit to the doctor should be more looking for the cause of disease and confer to determine the ways of treatment. Medical consultation is a means of communication, information, and education (IEC) which is not always all illnesses require medication, but depends illness.
This condition is like a vicious circle and not know how to stop it. Although, various regulations have been made to bind the promise of a variety of health professions in order to behave ethically, plus the existence of consumer protection laws is still uncertain consumers have a right to obtain a rational treatment.
Experience shows that not all consumers dare to negotiate with health workers should receive treatment as rational, for example:
- Consumers can only choose medical services (doctors, hospitals, medicine), when related information is available in adequate and understood.
- Options for use in prescription drugs, generic or branded, is not a pure consumer choice, but chosen by the physician.
- Information on scientific and objective drug that nearly did not exist in Indonesia, because it comes from a pro-industry manufacturers.
According to WHO, irrational drug use is a problem that occurs throughout the world. WHO suspect there are about more than 50% of prescription drugs, distributed, and sold is not appropriate. And approximately 50% of patients not taking the drug in the correct order. In the United States, deaths from adverse drug reach 6th position as the largest cause of death. In terms of finance, costs resulting from unnecessary drug treatment and drug too much, especially in developing countries who have no health insurance, is extremely high.
Therefore, the National Drug Policy (KONAS) which contains the commitment of governments to ensure such treatment should continue to be fought:
- Availability, equity, and affordability of essential drugs.
- Ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of all drugs in circulation and the public is protected from misuse and abuse of drugs.
- Rational use of drugs, namely the use of medicines by health professionals and community workers in the type, dosage, dosage & the appropriate amount and is accompanied with complete, correct, and not misleading.
Thus, consumers can obtain the benefits that; Medicine receives safe, effective, and quality. Consumers understand how to use the drug properly, and can be economically justified; treatment cost is very affordable, if perhaps only admintrasi pay for health care is just because human rights are duly met by the government. And the existence of an equitable health insurance system either poor or rich.
Therefore, use the right information when having to visit the health services. Remember, there are standards of basic health services that have become consumers' rights and commitments of government.
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